Dynamic Change Group Services

Dynamic Change Group is a public policy firm headed by expert policy advocates in the fields of renewable energy technologies.

We assist companies and associations with identifying legislative, regulatory and policy opportunities and challenges. Once determined, we work closely to ensure their interests are at the forefront of a well crafted advocacy campaign.

We serve as members of our clients’ team in Washington providing intelligence and guidance specifically geared to individual client needs.

Relationship Building and Client Branding

We build lasting relationships between our clients and federal policy makers by branding our clients as trusted resources in public policy and client-specific issue areas of expertise. We help our clients build their brand recognition.

Expert Energy Policy Analysis, Development, Advice

Dynamic Change Group’s energy policy experts work to match client goals and objectives with policy by tracking, analyzing, and developing legislation, federal program opportunities, solicitations, requests for information, white papers, etc.

Association and Coalition Development and Participation

We collaborate with our partners to increase success in advocacy and manage policy efforts for trade associations.  Through building agreement among the varied opinions of like-minded companies and organizations, we are able to integrate their collective interests into public policy.

Washington DC Advocacy

Through education and outreach, relationship building, and creative advocacy, we build powerful government relations campaigns in these areas:

1. To affect legislation

2. Regulation (DOE, EPA, USDA, DOD, GSA, DOT, DOI)

3. Appropriations

4. And other administrative actions (RFIs, NOPR etc.)

Strategic Messaging for Washington

We translate our clients’ business and organizational strengths into effective and persuasive language for Agency and Capitol Hill advocacy.